Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hot Dog stuff for a Sunday Challenge Poem

[click picture for large size][click here for the hot dog super sized]

Weiner on a stick 

Life for one has evolved from hot dog  

Sliced on bread with catsup and mustard 
To a weiner on a stick, corn dog 

There was a spell, hard times cast upon 

Family budget low for food. Our one 
Had a ration of only two dogs 

He stretched those dogs, sliced each into four 

Made eight, laid them straight on bread folded 
Catsup in the valley, poor folks pride 

Better times came for the one, oil strike? 

Whatever, nothing now made at home 
Catsup nor bread, corn dog from the store 
 _ _ _ _ 

Poem copyright, Jimmiehov,2016, All Rights Reserved

Today I'm linked with Kim Russell at the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Weekend Mini-Challenge:  Cooking up a Storm; 
Kim wants us to write a 'four tercet' poem about cooking. Read more for further directions at the link above.   

Note:  I made the cheese hot dog above, it is quick to make and 'only' has 310 calories.  More of my hot dog blogs can be found here,

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