Friday, July 08, 2016

Knots, not love ~~

Tied in Knots
I'm tied up in knots 
Don't know what to do
My heart knows its wants
But I don't know what
Lord, loosen the knots
Can't go on no more
My body's heaving
Sobbing since we split  
Now I have these knots
Since I left that night
"Me or you, one goes"
Knots around my gut
And in my gut knots
Knots won't go away
I'm tied up in knots
Don't know what to do
You can't help my knots
You're pain worse than they
So I'll stay away
Not love anymore
_ _ _ _

  Photos and Poem Copyright © 2016 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

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Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Ugh, ugh ~~ a 'Mind the Sign' poem

Source Unknown

Sign says

Sign says don't do that, but
do they really mean 'that'

Will exceptions be made
Money, power, boldness

Those blessing will far
Don't be afraid to ask

A dollar or a pound
Opens doors, goes places

If for art or for hire
Makes a difference sure

Take your chances today
'Morrow I might say no

Today I'm on the take
Another day means "no"

  _ _ _ _

 Bottom Photo and Poem Copyright © 2016 Jimmiehov, All Rights Reserved

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