Sunday, July 03, 2011

One single impression: Crater — Reader's Choice

There are two poems here with a slight difference:
the first is written in 3rd person, the second in 1st person.
Please leave your preference.
Pardon me if they are too dark for you.



He's dug himself a big hole, woe is he
He's squandered all his money on the horse
Hole not for swimming rather to bury
Loser he picked is winning not. His curse

Don't wait, that crater will be filled today
He's made his peace with the Lord, He'll forgive
Death by the shovel that dug is his way
Tomorrow you'll find him not though he lives

Horse nagged him once too often for his ears
He's killing his wife of too many years

Or this:


I've dug myself a big hole, woe is me
I've squandered all my money on the horse
Hole not for swimming rather to bury
Loser I picked is winning not. My curse

Don't wait, that crater will be filled today
I've made my peace with the Lord, He'll forgive
Death by the shovel that dug is my way
Tomorrow you'll find me not though I live

Horse has nagged once too often for my ears
I'm killing my wife of too many years

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Photos and Poems Copyright
© 2011 Jimmiehov
All Rights Reserved

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Prompt word, Crater, was suggested by me, Jim .

Find more poems at One Single Impression using "Crater" as prompt.

OSI Bloggers, thank you very much for your writing. I shall try to visit every one of your works.

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